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Re: Anti-harassment procedures - next version

2014-03-07 21:23:29

I think there are degrees of hiding. If a post or series of
posts are judged to be harassment, I tend to think it a good
idea to remove them from the primary record. Provide an alternate
view of the archive which shows the suppressed/hidden content
in context.

Since the public record may be read at any point in time in the
future, it makes no sense to judge behavior harassment and then
leave it in full view. Sort of negates the whole anti-harassment

On Fri, 7 Mar 2014, Eric Burger wrote:

That's what I was thinking. "Silence those who oppose free speech!"

On Mar 7, 2014, at 7:34 PM, Randy Bush <randy(_at_)psg(_dot_)com> wrote:

do not alter the public record.  it is a public record, not edited
history.  this is a primrose path.


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