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Re: Comments on draft-farrresnickel-harassment-01

2014-03-17 18:44:41

Hi Adrian,

On 03/17/2014 08:02 PM, Adrian Farrel wrote:
- Should be IETF volunteers
- Should be more than one (he suggested 3)

An option might be to have IETF volunteers who are backed up
by professional advice that is on tap as needed, in the same
way we deal with legal issues where e.g. IESG folk stumble along
until we need Jorge, and then we call on him for help.

I don't understand whether that set of options has been explored
nor why it was seemingly rejected, if explored. (Its a set of
options since there are various different ways in which the set
of responsibilities might be split between the volunteers and
the professionals.)

I for one am quite uncomfortable with the idea that the
ombudspersonage is an IETF participant (or a few such) with some
probably minimal training. I think that approach just brings too
much baggage to be workable.

So did you consider that approach and if so why did you choose
to reject it in this rev of the draft?
