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Re: it's been a while since we discussed the use of PowerPoint in meetings

2014-03-20 08:09:47

On 19 Mar 2014, at 20:41, Phillip Hallam-Baker <hallam(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> 

For what we use it for, powerpoint is actually useful.

Most cases what is put up on slides is examples. And I find it much
easier to follow an example that is written down than one that is

The other point that is overlooked by the powerpoint haters is that
the principal value is that it rescues incompetent speakers. There are
some people who are good speakers at IETF but the speaking
qualification is only an opinion and a keyboard. Being able to
organize a logical series of thoughts does not come into it.

I am more than happy to present without slides. The reason I write
them is that the meeting organizers DEMAND them. And they are quite
right to do that because I have two speaking modes one of which is
PowerPoint and the other is 'TED talk'.

Guess which one has the technical content.

yes, and it is also very useful for those that may not be able to understand 
you well because of either your lack of coherence, your accent or their lack of 
understanding to have a visual aid.
