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IETFer's work received ACM Computing Review

2014-04-17 10:04:48
picked up by the Computing Review, by a couple of ietfers (e.g., Jouni
Korhonen, Jörg Ott, Jon Crowcroft)

Bridging the gap between Internet standardization and networking research

ACM Computing Review
Bridging the gap between the network research community and Internet
standards is an important topic. Most network research has not been turned
into an Internet standard, while some research comes a long way in order to
become an Internet standard. Very few studies investigate this issue
because it extends beyond purely technical concerns.

The authors have an advantage in investigating this issue since they have
tightly collaborated on projects with academic researchers and industrial
professionals. They thoroughly present their observations and share their
experiences in this paper. The challenges for this gap are defined in two
parts: technical challenges and nontechnical challenges. A good point is
that the authors share the nontechnical challenges that might be ignored by
researchers and industrial professionals. The authors, aware of the gap,
also find two major opportunities that can extend research works to
standardization contributions, which is encouraging to networking

Based on their past experiences, the authors share two concrete case
studies: mobile traffic offloading and Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6)
transition technologies. The mobile traffic offloading case shows
substantial scientific results, but it also shows an under-performing
standardization effort. This case proves that the proposal, which does not
fit in an existing mindset, is usually a failure. On the other hand, the
case of IPv6 transition technologies shows good results in both academia
and industry, because the research proposal has extensibility and minimum
impact on the existing infrastructure. The authors then share their lessons
and suggestions to bridge the gap. These are honest and useful to both
academia and industry. Readers will see the potential for comprehensive
collaboration between networking research and Internet standardization.

ACM SIGCOMM CCR chief editor:

"Its focus is to identify ways to bridge the gap between the networking
community and the Internet standardization bodies. The authors, from
Broadcom, Nokia, University of Cambridge, Aalto University and University
of Helsinki, are describing the differences and similarities between how
the two communities operate. They further provide interesting data on the
participation of academic and industrial researchers in standardization
bodies. They discuss ways to minimize the friction that may exist as a
particular technology is making the leap from the scientific community into
the industry."

Two cents,

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  • IETFer's work received ACM Computing Review, Aaron Yi DING <=