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Re: [Softwires] Gen-ART and OPS-Dir review of draft-ietf-softwire-lw4over6-10

2014-10-21 10:27:14
On Oct 20, 2014, at 9:43 AM, Black, David 
<david(_dot_)black(_at_)emc(_dot_)com> wrote:
Whether adding an informative mention of the YANG model rises to the level of
"required" would be up to the OPS ADs.  It may help implementers find the YANG
model, which could be useful.

The problem with this is that the informative reference would wind up being to 
a -00 draft of the yang data model; unless that document makes rapid progress, 
it's unlikely that the reference will be to a version of the document that 
anybody would find useful.   It might be worth asking the authors of that 
document where they think it will be in two or three months, since that's about 
the length of the RFC Editor queue at the moment, IIRC.