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Re: Meetecho overtime?

2015-07-22 13:15:50
On Wed, 22 Jul 2015 19:59:19 +0200
Laurent Ciavaglia <Laurent(_dot_)Ciavaglia(_at_)alcatel-lucent(_dot_)com> wrote:

Dear IETF community, Meetecho team,

Please apology if the problem is solved, but I have been confronted
two times today with WG sessions finishing beyond the schedule with 
important decision points at the end.

I am participating remotely. The issue is that the Meetecho stream 
closes few minutes after the scheduled session end time.

As a proposal (if no other solution is already in place), I would 
suggest that the WG chairs / Meetecho operator could "extend" the 
Meetecho session by 5-minutes time slots on a per need basis to cover 
for the overtime.


Hi Laurent,

what we close is just the access, that is new participants can't join
after the end time triggers. We don't interrupt ongoing sessions for
participants that are still in, though, and we don't hangup the media
streams unless the overtime reaches 10 minutes. In that case, we do
have to interrupt the session, as preparations for the following
meeting need to be made and cannot unfortunately be delayed.


Lorenzo Miniero, Ph.D.

Chairman, Meetecho S.r.l.

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