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Re: Checksum at IP layer - is it even needed ?

2015-12-15 07:27:19

we've recently had much discussion of this in tsvwg. (AndFletcher isn't that 

My working theory with hindsight is that, in many ways,IPv6 embodies the worst 
of all possible choices.
 Lloyd Wood lloyd(_dot_)wood(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk ;
      From: Stewart Bryant <stbryant(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com>
 To: lloyd(_dot_)wood(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk; Christopher Morrow 
<morrowc(_dot_)lists(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com>; Alexey Eromenko 
Cc: ietf <ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>; Jared Mauch 
 Sent: Tuesday, 15 December 2015, 21:55
 Subject: Re: Checksum at IP layer - is it even needed ?
 If that is a significant risk, then why did IPv6 not move
 to a better protection when it was changing the other things
 in the nw/xport interface? After all there were much
 better c/s - such as Fletcher - that were well known
 at the time?
 On 15/12/2015 00:32, lloyd(_dot_)wood(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk wrote:

If the content is not understood by anyone except the intended endpoint 
the occasional misdelivery is surely of no consequence. 
  There's still a risk of port pollution (IPv4) or destination pollution (IPv6) 
from misdeliveries without checksums. 
  not understood != not handled and pushed up the stack.  
    Lloyd Wood lloyd(_dot_)wood(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk ; 
      From: Stewart Bryant <stbryant(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com>
 To: Christopher Morrow <morrowc(_dot_)lists(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com>; Alexey 
Eromenko <al4321(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> 
 Cc: ietf <ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>; Jared Mauch 
 Sent: Tuesday, 15 December 2015, 10:04
 Subject: Re: Checksum at IP layer - is it even needed ?
 On 14/12/2015 21:55, Christopher Morrow wrote: 
I suppose: "Why are we trying to solve this in tcp/udp? why not solve 
this at the application layer with TLS?" .  
 Yes, I was wondering about this.
 If the content is not understood by anyone except the intended endpoint 
 the occasional misdelivery is surely of no consequence.
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