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RE: Gen-Art LC review: draft-ietf-jose-jws-signing-input-options-06

2015-12-23 10:15:42
FYI, Robert, "crit" is now required with "b64", as you'd requested.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Jones 
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 4:58 PM
To: 'Robert Sparks' <rjsparks(_at_)nostrum(_dot_)com>; General Area Review Team 
<gen-art(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>; ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org; 
Subject: RE: Gen-Art LC review: draft-ietf-jose-jws-signing-input-options-06

Thanks for your thoughtful comments, Robert.  Replies are inline below...

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Sparks [mailto:rjsparks(_at_)nostrum(_dot_)com]
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 5:12 PM
To: Mike Jones <Michael(_dot_)Jones(_at_)microsoft(_dot_)com>; General Area 
Review Team 
<gen-art(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>; ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org; 
draft-ietf-jose-jws-signing- input-options(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org
Subject: Re: Gen-Art LC review: 

Mike -

No, this still doesn't explain why crit is not sufficient.

I'll plan on adding something along these lines to the draft to explain this:

"Implementations receiving JWSs using "b64" with a value of "false" will not be 
able to successful use those JWSs unless they support this extension, since 
they will be unable to obtain the payload value.  If the JWS includes the 
"crit" Header Parameter with "b64" in the set of values, this will ensure that 
implementations not supporting this extension will reject the JWS, but 
including "crit" is insufficient to enable the receiving implementation to use 
the JWS; that requires supporting this extension."

You are making a bare assertion that using crit doesn't achieve a). I 
think it does. Please explain (in the draft) why it doesn't.

You are making me guess, but I think you are only trying to avoid 
having to include the few extra bits in the message. If you've _done_ 
the work of ensuring all the applications understand using b64 through 
some out-of- band magic, then including crit will just work. Are you 
pushing back on anything _but_ the packet-bloat in this case?

If you _haven't_ done this out-of-band work, and you send to a 
receiver that understands the extension, then a) is achieved. If you 
send to a receiver that doesn't understand, things _should_ fail - 
arguably this also achieving a), though I suspect you are wincing at 
perhaps not having a clear path to recovery in this case?

I really think this boils down to you not wanting to pay the extra few 
bits in the packet to say "crit".
if that's not the case, please explain (and again, this needs to be in 
the draft, not just an email thread).

Yes, size matters, but that's not the primary thing that's in play here.  For 
the extension to be useful, all parties using the JWS must implement the 
extension, as explained in the new proposed text above.  And once the JWT with 
the extension is understood, "crit" adds nothing, because it's redundant.  
That's why the draft doesn't require it.

But based on your comments and those of other reviewers, since there seems to 
be demand for it, I plan to add the following text, which I think gets at the 
heart of the issue you're discussing:

"Using "crit" with "b64"

If a JWS using "b64" with a value of "false" might be processed by 
implementations not implementing this extension, then the "crit" Header 
Parameter MUST be included with "b64" in its set of values to cause such 
implementations to reject the JWS.  Conversely, if used in environments in 
which all participants implement this extension, then "crit" need not be 
included, since its inclusion would have no effect, other than increasing the 
JWS size and processing costs."


                                Thanks again, Robert,
                                -- Mike

On 12/13/15 10:04 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
Hi Robert,

You asked "_WHY_ is crit not sufficient? I think that's the thing 
missing as motivation."

There are two goals we're discussing, which are related:
(a) Having an application that uses "b64":false work.
(b) Having an application that receives a JWT with "b64":false not
misinterpret the payload content.

Including "crit":["b64"] would be sufficient to achieve (b), as it 
would cause
the JWS to be rejected by implementations not supporting "b64".  But 
it does not achieve (a), since the JWS would be rejected.

In contrast, using an implementation that understands "b64" achieves 
(a) and (b) without needing to include "crit".  That's why it's not required.

Does that make sense now?

                            Best wishes,
                            -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Sparks [mailto:rjsparks(_at_)nostrum(_dot_)com]
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 1:11 PM
To: Mike Jones <Michael(_dot_)Jones(_at_)microsoft(_dot_)com>; General Area 
<gen-art(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>; ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org; 
Subject: Re: Gen-Art LC review:

Cutting away a bit to focus on the question:

On 12/12/15 8:32 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
Hi Robert.  Thanks for the useful review.  Replies are inline below...

-----Original Message-----

I would have been much more comfortable with a consensus to 
(Count me in the rough if this proceeds with crit being optional).

I assume there is a strong reason to allow for option 1. Please 
add the motivation for it to the draft, and consider adding a SHOULD use 
requirement if option 1 remains.
It's a reasonable request to have the draft say why "crit" isn't required.
My working draft adds the following new paragraph at the end of the 
security considerations section to do this.  Unless I hear objections, 
I'll plan on publishing an updated draft with the paragraph shortly.

"Note that methods 2 and 3 are sufficient to cause JWSs using this
extension to be rejected by implementations not supporting this 
extension but they are not sufficient to enable JWSs using this 
extension to be successfully used by applications.
The conclusion you draw here is not at all obvious.
_WHY_ is crit not sufficient? I think that's the thing that's 
missing as

   Thus, method 1 - requiring support for this extension - is the 
approach and the only means for this extension to be practically 
useful to applications. Method 2 - requiring the use of <spanx 
style="verb">crit</spanx> - while theoretically useful to ensure that 
confusion between encoded and unencoded payloads cannot occur, is not 
particularly useful in practice, since method 1 is still required for 
the extension to be usable. When method 1 is employed, method 2 
doesn't add any value and since it increases the size of the JWS, its 
use is not required by this specification."

Nits/editorial comments:

In the security considerations, the last sentence of the first 
paragraph needs to be simplified. I suggest replacing it with:

"It then becomes the responsibility of the application to ensure 
that payloads only contain characters that will not cause parsing 
problems for the serialization used, as described in Section 5. 
The application also incurs the responsibility to ensure that the 
payload will not be modified during retransmission.
I have simplified this in the manner that you suggested.

                           Thanks again,
                           -- Mike