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Employer support (was Re: Report out from the NomCom 2016-2017)

2017-03-27 18:01:36
Dear colleagues,

I've now had more than one person ask me about this, and since the
NomCom report raises the issue of employer support I think
transparency requires that I say something.

While I never planned to stand for IAB chair again this year, I did
submit my candidacy for reappointment to the IAB.  Unfortunately, due
to some uncertaintly in my personal circumstances before the NomCom
rendered its decision, I had to withdraw my name from consideration at
the last minute.  To be clear, my current employer did not withdraw
support for my activities in the IETF.  I apologise to those who spent
their time sending comments assuming my commitment to stand, when it
turned out I could not follow through on that commitment.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan

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