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Re: Predictable Internet Time

2017-03-29 10:46:09
On Tue, Jan 03, 2017 at 03:06:57PM -0500, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:


Case in point, the time displayed on my Honda Oddy does not correct for
daylight savings correctly because some pimple brain decided to vary the
date of the switchover and there is no way to update the firmware without
spending stupid amounts of money to do so.

This is the sort of thing I would like to be able to avoid in IoT. The
problem being that to do so requires vendors to think about problems as
something other than an excuse to sell a 'pro' version or updates.

Trouble is, this is one more protocol for IoTs to speak.  One more
source of those vulnerabilities that make IoTs IoSs.

Not being able to predict with accuracy when a future time expressed in
civil time will occur is a problem.

It's easy to predict that actual changes will be withing +/- 1 hour
though.  For events scheduled far into the future this is mostly a

I'm not interested in more complaining about politicians making our life
hell.  Fact is they get to and they do and they have and they will keep
doing it.  So we should arrange our affairs as to minimize the pain and
just move on.


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