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Re: IETF Last Call conclusion for draft-ietf-6man-rfc2460bis-08

2017-04-04 08:57:19
Hi Robert,

On Apr 4, 2017, at 9:22 AM, Robert Raszuk <robert(_at_)raszuk(_dot_)net> 

Hi Brian,

In any case if we see this entire thread the only technical concern with EH
insertion was MTU. And how that issue is solved when you do additional IPv6
header encap ?

PMTUD applies to the path between source A (encapsulator) and destination B
(decapsulator). If you decapsulate at B and the encapsulate again, PMTUD
applies to the path between B (encapsulator) and C (decapsulator). They are
completely independent; it's a new packet. PMTUD doesn't occur between A
and C at all.

​Are you saying that it is "legal" to fragment IPv6 packet by a router at the 
encapsulation point in the network ? 

That would be news to me. 

Yes. It is legal. Please take a look at section 7 of RFC2473.


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