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Re: Last Call: <draft-nottingham-rfc5988bis-05.txt> (Web Linking) to Proposed Standard

2017-05-14 20:47:17
On 14 May 2017, at 6:03 pm, Julian Reschke 
<julian(_dot_)reschke(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de> wrote:

Actually, one popular browser also looks for the stylesheet link relation 
in the "Link" header field...

True, but that's not specified behaviour, AIUI.


"HTTP Link: headers, if supported, must be assumed to come before any links 
in the document, in the order that they were given in the HTTP message. These 
headers are to be processed according to the rules given in the relevant 
specifications. [HTTP] [WEBLINK]"

So this refers to RFC 5988, which delegates to the IANA registry, which in 
turn points back to the HTML spec for the definition of the "stylesheet" link 

To me this sounds like it is well-defined, just not required ("if supported").

Just added to the issue:

-    "_" is not legal in a production name
-    use "/" instead of "|"

Now in the repo, thanks.

4.2.  Link Relation Type Registry

 Each published document will be at a URL mutually agreed to by IANA
 and the Expert(s), and IANA will set HTTP response headers on them as
 (reasonably) requested by the Expert(s).

Wow. Does IANA know that we want to configure their web server?

We're talking about it. Data, metadata -- what's the difference?


We'll see. 

 1.  Let "links" be an empty list.

 2.  Create "link_strings" by splitting "field_value" on ","
     characters, excepting "," characters within quoted strings as per

I have my doubts that people will be able to translate it into actually 
correct code. To detect whether something is inside a quoted-string 
essentially requires running a parser; the prose here suggests that this is 
not necessary.

I reluctantly agree. I'll need to rework the algorithm to address this; 
please stand by.

The only way to properly split list supporting field values is to parse them 
according to the grammar for the list items; I don't believe in the existence 
of a shortcut that actually works correctly. Suggesting otherwise IMHO will 
lead to broken implementations for certain edge cases.


It also should mention that there might be multiple instances of 

The algorithm is for parsing a single field-value...

Yes, but should we tell the audience that they need to parse *all* field 
values, and combine the result?


Mark Nottingham

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