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Re: Goal: easier cpu parsable opt out tags

2004-03-03 14:56:49

Dave Crocker wrote:


DR>  - A header (or what ever they will be called) tag in a defined format that
DR>    includes the recipients email address the sender used.

That is what is supposed to be in the TO field.  What are you asking
for that is different?

DR> I get them all of the time where the  'RCPT TO' and 'TO' values do not
DR> match.

Many MTA implementations convert the Rcpt-To string over to an
RFC2822 header upon delivery.
Yes, and not all in a predefined or standard way.

That would also be another acceptable alternate goal. Make the envelope
recipient address history show up in the headers in a standard way. And
this may be a better idea as it would not rely on the sender to do things


Doug Royer                     |
Doug(_at_)Royer(_dot_)com                 | Office: (208)520-4044   | Fax:    (866)594-8574
                              | Cell:   (208)520-4044

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