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Re: [mail-vet-discuss] Straw consensus call on auth-header draft

2008-10-13 21:16:21

At 14:29 12-10-2008, Lisa Dusseault wrote:
I'd like to do a more explicit consensus call now to nail this down. I've tried to identify the major points of attraction rather than every variant, to see where people are leaning. Please reply with one of these options, a variant, and explanation if you like:

A)  auth-header to not require any feature advertising or auto-configuration

I'm for (A).

B) auth-header to normatively RECOMMEND some kind of feature advertising
C) auth-header to normatively REQUIRE some kind of feature advertising

I gather that you are referring to advertising for the MUA through POP3 and IMAP.

Separately, the unspecified feature advertising or auto-conf should be (choose one or more):
1) IMAP Capabilities advertising
2) E/SMTP capabilities
3) IMAP annotations
4) Something else
5) Nothing

I'm for (5).

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