
Re: Rebuilding one month of messages

2003-11-26 13:26:23
On November 17, 2003 at 15:58, Mike Bailey wrote:

I am aware that you can rebuild one individual list but is there a way 
to rebuild only a particular month in a list?  We would like to remove 
a message or two from the archives and I was thinking of removing them 
from the mbox file and doing a rebuild.  I would like to be able to 
rebuild just that one month and not have to rebuild the whole 5 years 
of archives.

Message deletion is a cumbersome task currently with mharc.

I've checked in some changes into CVS of the web-archive script
that support -period options to limit operations to a given

Unfortunately, for your case, it will not quite help you since message
deletion and a rebuild will affect the search index.  I.e. You would
have to rebuild the search index since the message deletion will
cause message numbers to change and the search index must be rebuilt
to avoid incorrect URLs in search results.

Now, with the CVS version of mharc, you could try the following:

  1. Delete messages from raw mail box archive (you might as well
     do this anyway since this operation will not affect the HTML

  2. Manually invoke mhonarc to delete the message from the
     HTML archives.  For example:

      mhonarc -outdir <HTML_DIR>/<list-name>/<period> msgnum1 msgnum2 ...

     The message number of an archive message is shown in the filename
     for the message.

  3. Run:

      <mharc-root>/bin/web-archive -editidx -period <period> <list-name>

     You need to do this since the direct call to mhonarc will not
     know about resource settings, so some message pages will revert
     to default mhonarc formatting.  The call to web-archive restores
     the mharc formatting.

Hopefully, web-archive will someday be able to do message deletion
directly to make message removal more efficient.


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