
[approved] Re: Saving email attachments

2005-09-19 15:10:33
Hi Earl,
 Thanks for the re-look into my question.
 This is what I have put in the mha-decode
 %readmail::MIMEFiltersArgs = (
'm2h_external::filter' => 'usename',
'm2h_external::filter' => 'usenameext',
'm2h_external::filter' => 'inline',
 I restarted mailman. 
But, I still get this xxyyzz.xls when I try to save the test.xls file 
 Is there anything else that needs to be added in mha-decode?

 On 9/19/05, Earl Hood <earl(_at_)earlhood(_dot_)com> wrote: 

On September 19, 2005 at 10:37, Elvis Fernandes wrote:

I see your point on the security perspective.
But, what is happening with me is like this:
The attachment name is test.xls.
But, when I try to save it, the name becomes xxyyzz.xls
where xxyyzz is some random string.
Is there a way to overcome this using some setting in mha-decode?

I thought we were talking about mhonarc (used by mharc) versus
mha-decode. Mha-decode is a utility program, and it already
uses the filename spec provided in the email message.

Wrt mhonarc, see the m2hexternal::filter arguments in the MIMEFILTERS
resource page. Options exist to tell mhonarc to save attachments
using the filename given in the email, but take care of the security
considerations. You may also want to look at the ATTACHMENTDIR

Note, a random name will always be used if no filename spec
is provided in the email.


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