
RE: Error installing mharc

2006-01-09 13:35:33

Earl Hood spoke thusly...

On January 9, 2006 at 12:49, "S. William Schulz" wrote:

I am trying to install mharc on a CentOS 3 system.  I downloaded and

What version of perl are you running?

The script puts the require in an eval block,
so should not abort if it cannot load mhonarc (hence
the "WARNING" instead of "ERROR").  However, perl is aborting

Doing a quick test on my system (running perl 5.8.6), the WARNING
is printed, but continues to do its job.

If running perl 5.8.0, I recommend upgrading it since 5.8.0 is
known to be buggy.

I am running the typical RedHat'ish 5.8.0+patches version the CentOS crew
have available.

The install is not exiting.  I didn't mean to imply that.  Rather, I stopped
it when I received the error.

You can try the following to see if it gets around the problem
so you can complete the install:

  env PERL5LIB=/usr/lib/MHonArc perl

I wound up doing the bash equivalent, and everything seems to be installed

Thank you,


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