
Re: Fw: .Segmentation Fault; Help with Marc-Search?

1996-11-30 03:28:27
Dear Michael:

: ## Configurable options
: my $server = '';

this should just be your server : ''

: my $help = $server . '/~mwilson/www/nativelit/marc-search.html';
This should be fine.

: my $doc_root = '/usr/doc';

Is /usr/doc the root directory for files served by your httpd?
That is, is the index.html file for kept in
/usr/doc ?  if so, this is fine. marc-search needs to know 
where $doc_root is so that it can produce links to your messages
in your search results.

: my $script = $server . '/cgi-bin/mwilson/marc-search.cgi';
: my $cgilib = '/cgi-bin/mwilson/';

This needs to be an absolute path.  When you are in the directory
/cgi-bin/mwilson and type 'pwd' you'll probably see something like
this : /users/mwilson/public_html/cgi-bin (this is >just< an example)
What ever appears as the absolute path for the directory containing
cgi-lib is what you need to put in $cgilib.  Note that you
should >not< include the trailing slash and the filename; on my
system, this looks like the following:

my $cgilib = '/Web/httpd/cgi-bin/tools'; # note absence of /

: I'm not sure if the in my cgi-holder is the right one.  I
: pulled it down intact and chmod'ed it.  I'm also not sure where

I'm using 2.4, but it shouldn't matter since the only cgi-lib
routine marc-search uses is the one which parses form input.
or Cgi-Lite would work just fine too. I've set permissions on
the library to 644 and on marc-search.cgi to 755.

: to point the doc_root. What kind of docs is this program looking
: for?  

See above.

: Thanks. All comments are greatly appreciated.
: Michael
: ----------
: > From: Michael Wilson <mwilson(_at_)csd(_dot_)uwm(_dot_)edu>
: > To: mhonarc(_at_)rosat(_dot_)mpe-garching(_dot_)mpg(_dot_)de
: > Subject: .Segmentation Fault
: > Date: Wednesday, November 27, 1996 3:12 PM
: > 
: > I'm getting the following problem:
: > 
: > (alpha2) 50: mhonarc -force NativeLit-L
: > Trying to lock mail archive in . ...
: > Requiring MIME filter libraries ...
: >
: >
: >
: >
: > Converting messages to .
: > Reading NativeLit-L .Segmentation fault
: > 
: > No matter what I do, the .Segmentation fault arises. Can anyone
: > help?
: > 
: > Thanks,
: > 
: > Michael
: > Listmanager
: >     NativeLit-L
: >     NativeHistory-L
Eric D. Friedman -- friedman(_at_)uci(_dot_)edu --
"A book should be a ball of light in one's hands." -- Ezra Pound

Eric D. Friedman -- friedman(_at_)uci(_dot_)edu --
"A book should be a ball of light in one's hands." -- Ezra Pound

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