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Re: idxname value ?

2001-06-06 23:19:25
On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Radoy Pavlov wrote:

Still I can't get namazu.cgi to work. It breaks with
"Can't open index" error message. It has something to do
with NMZ.head i guess, still i can't understand the logic

Check that NMZ.* have world readable permissions (-rw-r--r--).  Since
namazu.cgi runs as your http user (possibly user nobody or www), that
user has to have read permissions on the index files.  The two ways to
do it are - either make the http user own the files (bad idea), or make
them readable by everyone (no reason not to).

The third option is to get your search engine to run setuid the owner of
the index files.  Also not such a good idea.


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