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Re: inc core dumps on HP_UX

1998-08-15 13:00:26

Dan Harkless wrote on Thu, 13 Aug 1998 19:24:57 PDT:

"David L. Crow" <crow(_at_)dev(_dot_)tivoli(_dot_)com> writes:
    I'm pretty sure you are running into a bug with the sed command in
  post-processing the lex output in zotnet/tws.  There was a patch
  available from HP, but they withdrew it.  

Why?  New bugs in the patched version?

    Yep, the new bugs were worse than the old one.  After sending the
  first note, I decided to check for a replacement patch.  Looks like
  PHCO_15468 is available.  Unless you hear from me, assume that this
  fixes the problem.
 ------------ Texas!  It's like a whole other country. ------------
  David L. Crow             http://www.cactus.org/~crow (internet)
  crow(_at_)dev(_dot_)tivoli(_dot_)com        http://w3.tivoli.com/~crow 

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