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Re: Working on the install-mh change questions

2002-11-18 23:42:04
On Mon, 2002-11-18 at 22:47, Eric Gillespie wrote:
Jon Steinhart <jon(_at_)fourwinds(_dot_)com> writes:

3.  If the $HOME environment variable is set, mypath is copied from the
    getenv return.  Why?  It's never changed.

4.  If the $HOME environment variable is not set, mypath is copied from the
    pw_dir member of the returned passwd structure.  Now, I understand that
    this is a static structure, but getpwuid is never called again so I
    don't see why the copy is needed.

4.  If the $HOME environment variable is not set, the pw_dir member of the
    passwd structure returned by getpwuid() is checked for a NULL pointer.
    This can never happen in a non-error return, which is already checked.
    So why the superfluous check?

These checks are not superflous, they are for maintainability.
Two years from now someone will add a second getenv(3) call and
waste their (probably volunteer) time trying to figure out how
they busted the home dir variable.

The return value of getenv() is a pointer into the environment; a future
getenv() call will not overwrite it.  So it's safe not to copy it unless
you anticipate a putenv().  (And I think it's safe even in the face of a
putenv(), actually.)  A judgement call.

Your argument definitely holds for copying the getpwuid() value.

Checking the pw_dir element for NULL is superfluous unless you feel like
second-guessing the kernel and libc at every turn, a practice which
doesn't have much value.

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