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Re: [Nmh-workers] 'repl -format' to mime-messages

2004-09-16 06:24:14
Here's the things as I see them:

- We got pretty close to a 1.1 release.

- I finally cut a number of release candidates, and I didn't hear anything
  back about them.  However, savannah got 0wned during that time.

- Savannah finally got un-0wned, and I put up a 1.1-release tar ball

- Almost exactly during that time, some people piped up and said, "Hey
  the release is all built wrong, we need a new version out there".

- I discovered the hard way you can't replace or delete a tar file that's
  out there.

- Since then, I've lacked the energy to deal with this situation.

I see. If I can help in any way let me know - although I fear I don't have
the skills needed. Actually I don't even know which skills are required.

I think nmh is a great thing. It's a pity it's development is stalled.


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