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[Nmh-workers] Wow! I didn't expect y'all to take me so seriously about partying!

2005-12-22 18:05:25
Not sure that I've ever seen so much nmh-related email in a day before!
A few things...

No problem cranking out a 1.2.1 release (or should that be 1.3)?  Should
I do it now or wait a bit for other problems to surface?

The wish list discussion is great.  Maybe someone would spend the time
to combine all of the wishes into a single list?

I'm hoping that santa will bring me the following:

 o  Code cleanup, including fixing the stdio mucking,

 o  A dash option on all commands that says "don't update the context"
    so that commands can be run independently without interference, and

 o  The improved mime stuff that I've discussed on this list before.


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