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Re: [Nmh-workers] Setting minimum automake version.

2013-01-03 01:18:18
On Wed, 02 Jan 2013 19:06:32 -0500, David Levine said:

That pulls the automake from Fedora 18, which is currently
in beta.  It works with Fedora 17, and I expect with Fedora
16 as well.

Just a note - the FC18 freeze went by a while ago, with the result that
as rpms are updated, they're tagged as fc19, not fc18.  At this point,
over half the rpms have re-revved with a fc19 tag:

[~] cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 19 (Rawhide)
[~] rpm -q automake
[~] rpm -qa | grep fc18 | wc -l
[~] rpm -qa | grep fc19 | wc -l

Just so nobody tries that and freaks when they see an fc19

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