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Re: [Nmh-workers] Neither w3m, lynx, nor elinks is being used

2014-05-31 09:58:38
Norm wrote:

Until you find the problem, or somebody figures out what I'm doing
wrong, would it be safe for me to to use nmh 1.5's show and mhshow,
but otherwise using nmh 1.6 ?

That shouldn't be a problem.  show and mhshow only modify context,
and they don't do that differently than 1.5.

(To be pedantic, that would be an RC of nmh 1.6, not 1.6 yet.)

I didn't have time to investigate your problem, either.  Have you
tried clearing out your environment?  The easiest way is to run under
"env -i", e.g.:

    $ env -i PATH=/usr/local/nmh-1.6-RC2/bin:/bin mhshow

And please remind us what the problem is.  I thought that you had
solved this:

#  Now show is apprantly using w3n.


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