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Re: [Nmh-workers] netbsd 7: test/mhbuild/test-attach failure

2014-07-04 15:31:27

On Jul 4, 2014, at 11:23 AM, David Levine <levinedl(_at_)acm(_dot_)org> wrote:

but now re-reading, i'm not sure i understand.  is diff's choking a
secondary effect, or is it the primary failure?

My guess is that the problem is with the behavior of
mhbuild, not diff.  diff is reporting a difference, which is
all it does for binary files.  At this point, we don't know
whether the difference is benign.

The nuls are not being base64 encoded in the message.  When diff tries to 
compare the files it stumbles upon the line of bare nuls and bails out.

The underlying bug is that the nuls are not getting base64 encoded in the first 
place.  I have no idea what's magic about netbsd that is causing this to be the 

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