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Re: [Nmh-workers] Trying, and failing, to install the optional replyfilter

2014-08-13 10:26:09
David Levine <levinedl(_at_)acm(_dot_)org> writes:
Norm wrote:

OK, you've motivated me to set up replyfilter :-)

I couldn't get it to work, either, unless I did this:

repl -format


repl -filter mhl.reply

That follows from the repl(1) man page, but it would be better for the
comments in replyfilter to make that clear. And those assume that mhl.reply
is installed in either the nmh etc directory or in the user's nmh directory.

The contents of mhl.reply are shown in the replyfilter script.

One more thing, if you don't have par (rpm -q par) already, you'll need to
install it (sudo yum install par).

None of my yum repositories, had it. So I got it from
http://www.nicemice.net/par/ .

Also, I had to use yum to install several non-standard perl modules.

Ken, is there a way to simplify this? Maybe provide a mhl.replyfilterc in etc
and move replyfilter to lib? Then the script could suggest just this one

-filter mhl.replyfilter -fmtproc replyfilter

Also, replyfilter gets installed without execute permission, because
INSTALL_DATA has -m 644. Installing it in lib would preserve its execute

For a user capable of doing everything else I had to do, to get replyfilter
working, changing the execute bits is pretty trivial.

For users who already use a -filter, it'll take effort to figure out how to
merge them. And I use different filters for different purposes, so multiple

I'm wondering if:

        The default filter (given in the comments to replyfilter) shouldn't
        include a "foobar writes"


        Maybe replyfilter should take as an argument the real filter

At least, for now, I have decided to not use replyfilter. Instead, I will
continue to do what I have been doing. When necessary, I use mhshow, to get
some text, select it, put it into my editor (norms-cool-editor), and do a
regex replacement to insert the "> " prefixes.

A nit, the nmh command is repl not reply, so replyfilter should have been
spelled replfilter.

What should nmh-1.7, do in about mime, in replying? I don't know. But I don't
think that the answer is incorporating most of the options of mhshow into

    Norman Shapiro

Nmh-workers mailing list

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