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Re: [Nmh-workers] proposed patch for shell metacharacter failure in nmh-1.7

2018-01-20 03:48:52
Hi Steven,

David wrote:
That's not right, it should be:

    while ((pp = strchr (pp, ''')) && buflen > 3) {

That's what I thought based on your patch.

That's not what David wrote.  :-)

Rewinding time, he sent a patch to the list.  (BTW, David, your patches
have had zero lines of context recently.) I received it from the list,
not directly from him.  It includes this line with `quote backslash
quote quote'.

    -           while ((pp = strchr (pp, '\'')) && buflen > 3) {


You report

I see that the first hunk is trying to match on

   while ((pp = strchr (pp, ''')) && buflen > 3) {

...but the corresponding line (line 979, not line 980) in my copy of
uip/mhshowsbr.c is

   while ((pp = strchr (pp, '\'')) && buflen > 3) {

So you quote the patch incorrectly, yet can send the line from the
source correctly.

David then replies, again stating the correct line.

I see that the first hunk is trying to match on

   while ((pp = strchr (pp, ''')) && buflen > 3) {

That's not right, it should be:

    while ((pp = strchr (pp, '\'')) && buflen > 3) {

And yet when you reply, quoting David, it's become

That's not right, it should be:

    while ((pp = strchr (pp, ''')) && buflen > 3) {

So it seems as if your method of storing David's patch, and of quoting
his email to reply to it, have both turned «'\''» into «'''».
Hopefully, this is some home-brew script rather than core nmh, but if
it's the latter then we'd like to know.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.


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