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Re: [nmh-workers] mts.conf relative sendmail option

2018-05-30 06:52:27
Hi Ken,

Yes.  sendmail had to be run as /usr/lib/sendmail IIRC, so not in
PATH normally
So I really can't justify (or coherently explain) why one invocation
of sendmail uses execvp() and the other does not.

Yes, I'm not arguing that PATH shouldn't be used today, I'm just
remembering how it didn't used to be in PATH and so code written back
then wouldn't bother searching it.  Later code could expect to find it
under PATH as it moved.  And there would have been a time when it
differed between Unixes, thus things like Perl's metaconf adding
/usr/lib to the PATH when a-hunting.

Cheers, Ralph.


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