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Re: [nmh-workers] Cleaning up old messages

2018-06-14 13:09:21

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018, at 8:56 AM, Peter Davis wrote:

Hi, all,

I'm sorry if this question is a bit too elementary or intrusive
for this> group. My health is seriously failing, and I'm trying to clean up 
old> messages are on my Mac for others who will inherit the machine. I have> 
many thousands of messages, divided into many hundreds of folders,
accumulated over years.

I've done some poking into it, and I know I can go from folder to
folder, delete all the messages, and then use some external shell
command to really delete them, but frankly, this is a bit overwhelming> for 
me. Is there a way (or a script that comes close to)
letting me just> delete and really remove all files older than a certain date 
anything> like that?

I know this violates the "look it up and figure it out" doctrine, but> 
frankly, I just don't have that kind of energy anymore.

Note that I also have copies of most of these messages on various IMAP> 
servers, so I'm not completely erasing the past ... just trying
to clean> up some computers.

Thanks so much for the suggestions and explanations. These are *MUCH*


  Peter Davis

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