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Re: [nmh-workers] The message Body Shows but the Subject doesn't Decode.

2018-06-16 15:45:09
Leonardo Taccari <iamleot(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> writes:
Hello Martin,

The format file used by show should be mhl.format (that should be
in `mhparam etcdir`/mhl.format) and by default it has a:

 | Subject:decode


Can you please check if the mhl.format has a `Subject:decode'

(A bit unrelated but I think that `-f' option passed to strace
should also trace child processes, but at least as part of `show',
`mhl' is not invoked)

        My thanks to all as a lot of interesting things have come
to light.

        I have been using nmh for over 20 years so some parts of
the setup need modernization.  I checked the mhl.format I am
using and the From: and Subject lines need the word decode right
after the : but here is what else I discovered:

        Messages from this group, for example have a fairly
simple format and use mhl.format when being read.  The message
which started this discussion, however, is a mime message and
uses mhshow.  The strace program, using the -f option was very
useful here to more quickly determine where to concentrate at any
given time.

        On the system I am using now, my ~/Mail/mhl.format and
~/Mail/mhl.headers files had a creation date of December, 2009.
Both files have mostly the same information in them but
mhl.format is for non-mime and mhl.headers is for mime messages.

        The old files did not support From:decode and
Subject:decode but showed as From: and Subject:.

        This was the crux of the issue.  

        The replacements for those files are from December of
2016 and were the latest version of nmh in the debian Linux
distribution.  Things are certainly working better now.

        Thanks for your help in getting me pointed in the right

Martin McCormick


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