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Re: [nmh-workers] Construction of outgoing from line

2019-03-14 15:03:23
Sorry for the top post (using gmail atm)

Thanks for the suggestion to look at mh-format(5).  I'll do that.

Re: mailx, it passes the message to postfix which then takes care of the
outgoing email form.


On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 6:21 AM Ken Hornstein <kenh@pobox.com> wrote:

I'm trying to get my outgoing email to be user@mydomain.tld again (I had
machine crash).
On the crashed machine it worked fine with the following atop my

     %<(void(localmbox))%>%(void(width))%(putaddr From: )

Mail sent from the new machine, which I'm trying to make identical to the
crashed machine, arrives with a from line like user@myhost.mydomain.tld
I want the myhost part to be gone. I messed with postfix for a bit,
thinking "myorigin" might be messed up.

Nmh has, pretty much from the beginning of time, mostly used the same
algorithm to generate the local mailbox.  If you look at mh-format(5),
you can see how this is constructed and how to change it.  There are a
couple ways to modify nmh's behavior to do what you want; what you'll
want to pick is really up to your personal preference (I personally
use Local-Mailbox, but really, there are a few ways).

Using /bin/mail, which is a link to mailx, I get the right behavior, and
postfix is fine.

I am wondering how mailx would have any idea that it needs to strip out
the hostname?  It wouldn't be set up to do that automatically.


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