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Re: Forwarding html email

2020-01-10 15:16:36
In message 
<20200110172317(_dot_)49EB9B6DED(_at_)pb-smtp21(_dot_)pobox(_dot_)com>, Ken 
Hornstein writes:
forw: -mime -annotate -nodash -format -editor vi

This is the problem.  You can't have "-mime" and "-format".  Well,
you CAN, but it doesn't do what you want.  They basically cancel each
other out (like all nmh argument processing, the last argument wins).

If you use -mime, when you forw(1) stuff it will end up with a mhbuild
directive in the draft you need to process with the "mime" command.
That will end up with the proper MIME encoding (well, it will be a
message/rfc822, but inside of that the message will be correct).

If you use -format, it gets processed with mhl, and the draft is treated
as plain text (unless you mark it with a different MIME type manually).

If you use dist(1) it might be closer to what you want.

If I understand you correctly, I need the mime switch in the forw line
in mh_profile and I specifically have to type mime at the whatnow?

This gets me what I want and if that's the way it's done, so be it. My
only complaint is that I don't see the message I'm forwarding.

Thank you


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