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Re: nmh imap gpg

2020-01-11 08:11:52
Hi John,

For those of us that didn't know, or have forgotten, FDM is a
fetchmail(1)-alike.  https://github.com/nicm/fdm#readme

Is there any alternative to fdm for imap that works well with NMH?

Well, nmh incorporates email with inc(1), typically from
/var/mail/$LOGNAME or similar, which is a single file in an mbox format.
You want something that will pull down emails over IMAP and deposit
them in that file and format.  fdm looks like it does that, though I
only know of it from your introduction, and fetchmail(1) definitely
does.  There are probably others.  I think fetchmail is the most
well known.

BTW, it's MH, but nmh because whoever prefix the n lower-cased it at the
same time.  :-)

John Doe

Are you refering to the signature?

I can't tell from the automatic complaints/spam ratings that I see.

At the time I created this e-mail address, I thought that using "john
doe" was a good idea, now that I'm using this e-mail more and more, it
became apparent that I neglected spam filtering! :)

You could become Jo H. N. Doe.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.

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