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Re: nmh and fdm question

2020-02-24 22:01:37
On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 21:10:15 -0500, aalinovi@riseup.net said:
This is the raw email From line:

From: "The New Yorker" <thenewyorker@eml.condenast.com>

And this is the line in my ~/.fdm.conf file:

match "^From:.*@eml.condenast.com" in headers action pipe 
"/usr/local/libexec/nmh/rcvstore +trash"

My question is, why doesn't this work?

I'm seeing a wonky square box character between the " and From in that match 
it's probably a control character of some sort that's being included in the 
match and failing
because the actual mail has an F in column 1 rather than a wonky control 

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