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Re: Bug reported regarding Unicode handling in email address

2021-06-12 02:17:01
On Fri, 11 Jun 2021 14:04:36 -0400, Ken Hornstein said:

character.  This obviously works best if your local character set is
UTF-8.  I am aware that some people, for reasons I cannot comprehend,
want to run in the "C" locale but PRETEND that their character set
is UTF-8 and this approach does not work for them.  To these people I
can only say �\_(ツ)_/�.

I discovered that using LANG=en_US.utf8 but LC_COLLATE=C was the proper
solution, as /bin/ls then outputs files in the order that God intended, not the
creeping bletcherous horror that UTF-8 collation creates. :)

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