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Re: Bug reported regarding Unicode handling in email address

2021-06-13 02:01:30
Hi Valdis,

But wait.. there's more..  The =AF=5C screw-up is in the outbound

What produces the draft when you repl(1) to Ken's, as is the faulty QP
visible to you at the start of the edit?

But linemode 'show' displays it correctly as well. Why did *that* work
here but you report 

it doesn't display correctly here when decoded, e.g. the un-QP'd =AF
isn't valid UTF=8.

What's the output of ‘locale’ in that terminal window where show(1)
displays the macrons for =AF?  U+00AF and 0xaf in iso-8859-1 are both
macrons so is your terminal emulator trying to be ‘helpful’ and hiding
the illegal encoding by falling back to ISO 8859-1 rather than showing a
substitution character?  What's the emulator?  Has it any UTF-8
configuration?  How does the email show in ‘xterm -lc’?

Cheers, Ralph.

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