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Re: Bug reported regarding Unicode handling in email address

2021-06-12 05:37:31
Hi kre,

I am aware that some people, for reasons I cannot comprehend, want
to run in the "C" locale

I do that, not so much because I want to, but because that's what
happens when no LC_* env variables (nor LANG) exist at all.   That's
me.   I believe you understand that locales aren't exactly first class
objects in NetBSD...  (Or not yet anyway).

https://wiki.netbsd.org/tutorials/unicode/ suggests Unicode through
UTF-8 is well supported as long as the user sets the appropriate
environment variables.  Isn't just that you choose not to set them?

I however don't have an input method to type the UTF8 chars, so
I can't do a substitute command for them

Given your editor is in the C locale, does it have a way to search for
their encoding bytes?

    $ smartq <<<\`\'
    $ smartq <<<\`\' | hd
    00000000  e2 80 98 e2 80 99 0a                              |.......|
    $ smartq <<<\`\' | LC_ALL=C sed $'s/\xe2\x80[\x98\x99]/'\'/g

Cheers, Ralph.

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