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Re: In Memoriam: Norman Z. Shapiro 1932-2021

2022-02-01 11:51:47
Norm's son-in-law wrote:
On October 14, 2021, Norman Shapiro passed away from natural causes at
the age of 89 years.

Sad news, though a good innings.  Norm was last active on the list in
the middle of July.

Aw, damn.  Hail and farewell, Norm.  One of the most gracious people
I've ever corresponded with.

Two thoughts... Should we send condolences back to David, not the
announce list, highlighting the impact Norm's concept has had on a small
bunch of people still using his Mail Handler program to this day, and
that he chipped in with useful history to the end?  They might like to
be reminded that something he designed in the '70s is still in use all
these years later.

And how about we thank Norm publicly with the next nmh release which is
spit-and-polished enough to be worthy?

Yes, and yes.  Unfortunately I am busy now, but if I can help in any
way I will do my very best.


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