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Re: Problem with mhl.format

2022-02-15 04:55:17
Hi aalinovi,

I am not sure where I messed up, but suddenly nmh seems to be ignoring
the mhl.format file, specifically the "ignores" line.
This is a basic mhl.format file with no editing or alterations on my

What command are you using which fails, e.g. show, mhshow.  That would
be the starting point for seeing when it leads to mhl being run.

If you introduce a syntax error into the mhl.format you think is being
used, does mhl grumble?

    $ /usr/lib/nmh/mhl -form /etc/passwd -nomoreproc
    mhl: format file syntax error: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash

Cheers, Ralph.

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