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Re: mhfixmsg character set conversion

2022-02-20 20:58:23
Ralph wrote:

Hi David,

1. Attempt to decode the body, given any encoding.
2. If unable to decode or if any NUL octets in the decoded text,
   leave the body encoded.  If unable to decode, that's allowed by
   RFC 2047 § 6.2.  If any NULs, that seems to be in the same spirit.


Commit a73f7f08a07e09200f320a734233ab0293e8f428.  Steven, this
should decode your ASCII-encoded header field bodies.

Of course it didn't end up being that simple.  There already was a
function, decode_rfc2047(), that does what it says.  However, it can
only convert to the local charset.  A possible future enhancement
would be to convert to any specified charset.  And maybe repurpose
the argument of the mhfixmsg -decodeheaderfieldbodies switch to
specify the destination charset.


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