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Re: hiding public key (was: limitations of mime-pem transformation)

1995-01-02 14:43:00
        What I'm asking is this: You accepted the "PGP community's"
        requirement to hide the public key.  However, someone from the
        PGP community recently said we DER is too complex and we should
        encode the public key with the PGP method.  But you did *not*
        accept *this* requirement.  Do you see what I'm asking?  What
        criteria were used to determine that hiding the public key is a
        reasonable requirement, whereas using something simpler than DER
        is not reasonable?  Just saying "They wanted it" is not an

To everything that Ned as already said, let me say:

1.  As I have said before, speaking personally, I do not accept the PGP
    community's *requirement* to hide the public key.  What I accept is
    that if it is a tenable goal, then so be it.  Otherwise I would kill
    it in a heartbeat, notably because it has the look and feel of
    security by obscurity.

2.  As to the choice of ASN.1 encodings, PEM has always and will
    continue to support certificates/CRLs.  As such, there should always
    be ASN.1 encoders and decoders available in an implementation.
    Rather than requiring yet another encoding scheme (and yet another
    interoperability point of failure) it seems more prudent to me to
    re-use what is already available.


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  • Re: hiding public key (was: limitations of mime-pem transformation), James M Galvin <=