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Re: keyid, and privacy, and interworking

1995-01-03 06:11:00
Jim Galvin writes, excerpting:

Excuse me?!  Have you forgotten about the PCAs required in RFC 1422,
which by the way is required in a compliant 1421 implementation?  Every
implementation is required to track the existence of every PCA and to be
able to report to a user the implications of a public key found to be
issued under that PCA.

Wrong.  1421 does not require use of 1422, though it recommends it
in the interests of a common basis for interworking.  It is wholly
possible to build a 1421-compliant implementation which has nothing
at all to do with 1422; several PEM implementations have been 
constructed, e.g., based purely on symmetric-key cryptography.


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