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Re: X.509 v3 support (was Re: Key selectors)

1995-01-13 06:17:00

I'm therefore proposing a leap-frogging of the two standards. Update PEM/MIME 
include the bare-bones v3 format in an appendix -- without any extensions but
with support for the CRITICAL flag -- just as fast as we can write the text 
include it, either before or after it moves to standards track. Then take 6
months to a year to devise more sophisticated and powerful mechanisms to make
use of the v3 certificates, to be included in RFC1422. Finally, after those
issues are finally settled, we would come back to PEM/MIME with a set of 
upon mandatory extensions, both critical and non critical, and perhaps some
additional optional or recommended extensions, and revise the PEM/MIME RFC at
that time.

Does this seem like a workable plan to everyone?

Seems workable to me.  The whole idea of the CRITICAL flag is that
support of it is not optional, from what I understand, and it would be
irresponsible not to say this explicitly in the standard.

- Jeff

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