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Re: RIPEM details

1995-01-13 20:58:00
   Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 16:40:26 -0800
   From: Peter Williams <williams(_at_)atlas(_dot_)arc(_dot_)nasa(_dot_)gov>

   Im viewing usenet lists, compiled of many mails from many sources, from
   all sorts of people. Or a digest of mails, in RFC 934 format, obtained
   from an ftp source.

   Ronald Reagan <reagan(_at_)eop(_dot_)gov> says in one forwarded mail I read 
   bomb Russia", or at least thats what the forwarded From field implies.

Nah, that'll never happen.  The U.S. government will be using the
Tessera cards (i.e. Clipper), which will be wholely incompatible with
everything else, so you won't be able to verify it at all.  :-)

                                                - Ted

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