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Re: RIPEM details

1995-01-22 00:42:00
On Mon, 16 Jan 1995 Jueneman(_at_)gte(_dot_)com wrote:

I don't have any problem at all with the recipient (the bozo who owns the key)
using a private directory with any kind of a naming scheme he wishes.

I have a BIG problem if said bozo wants me, the originator, to keep track of
all the gory details of his private naming conventions, and include all of 
gudge in my messages to him. That's what certificates are for.

As an implementor, I fully expect that my PEM implementation will take 
care of gathering up all of the gory details and storing them in a local 
database somewhere.  You won't need to lift a finger.  What's the problem?

Obviously this would be cleaner with a v3 certificate, but there is NO reason
why DN in the certificate cannot contain this additional information, even if
it would appear to overspecify the DN from the standpoint of a Directory DN.

I'm going to post a longer message on my thoughts on the whole CA and
directory thing once I get my e-mail box cleaned out after my break.  Stay

I found a great recipe for Fair Dinkum Chili in a chili cookbook, but I can't
find some of the ingredients.  Would you please e-mail me 1 kilo of red
kangaroo shank, 500 grams of grey kangaroo steak, 500 grams of emu ham, and a
boomerang?  I have to wave the bommerang over the chili 14 times while it is
simmering in order to make it dinkum (authentic). And obviouslywe are very
concerned with authentication..

[Insert MIME kangaroo and emu meat attachments with PEM signatures]

Enjoy your meal.

I assume that the boomerang would return to you automatically, of course.

Of course.  A curious property of authentic Australian boomerangs is that
they don't return if named by a DN, as no self-respecting boomerang would
want to return to someone who called their boomerang by such a name. 
E-mail addresses are ok though. :-)

I don't know how "Fair Dinkum" that chilli recipe would be.  Australians
aren't really known for chilli.  Now, mulch up the kangaroo meat and emu
ham and stick it in a pie and call it "Steak and Kidney" and serve it with
peas as you may have something a little more fair dinkum.  Digusting as
all hell, but it _is_ true blue Aussie. :-)


Rhys Weatherley, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
E-mail: rhys(_at_)fit(_dot_)qut(_dot_)edu(_dot_)au  "net.maturity is knowing 
when NOT to followup"

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