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Re: Re[2]: Are we an effective standards committee?

1995-01-24 16:10:00
On Tue, 24 Jan 1995 10:32:32 PST, Ned Freed said:
My main frustration still comes from the lack of a clear definition of PEM-
requirements.  Specific comments on a document are quite difficult when the
is not full agreement on the requirements.

I disagree absolutely, totally, and completely. We are in last call. As such,
the document issues which we should be concerned with most on a procedural
level are those of precision, clarity, and technical accuracy. Agreement with
the approach is not required to make such comments. 

Well.. I could make a good case that it is an issue of precision and technical
accuracy.  If the requirements the document is addressing are imprecise,
there is no way to address how well the document addresses it.

I do consider it unfortunate that the document has made it all the way to 
last call and there is still dissention on exactly what it is we're trying
to solve, and what features need be present, and so on.

/Valdis (who wishes it were possible to take a document, and MIME-ify it
and sign it with both PEM and PGP keys.. Oh well.. ;)

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