
Re: Adding Big5-1984 to Encode

2004-11-16 10:45:44
On Tue, Nov 16, 2004 at 11:20:11PM +0800, imacat wrote:
    I'm wondering if Big5-1984 can be added to Encode.  I'm developing
web applications, which rely a lot on FB_HTMLCREF.  I found that Big5-eten
and CP950 are incompatible, especially in Japanese and European language
characters.  When FB_HTMLCREF-encoding web pages as Big5-eten, Japanese
hiragana and katakana characters will be mapped to Big5-eten but not
numeric character references, which will not be shown at all under MSIE. 
If I encode them with CP950 instead, European characters, like ê,
will be mapped to US-ASCII.  Neither one is acceptable for i18n web

Have you investigated the Big5-2003 mapping table?

If this works for you, I am in favor of adopting this as the new default
"big5" mapping inside  If you really need big5-1984, please
send the .ucm file to me and I'll add it to HanExtra.


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