
Re: Perl support of unicode

1999-03-23 21:03:14
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999 04:20:50 +0100, 
ridruejo(_at_)atm9(_dot_)com(_dot_)dtu(_dot_)dk wrote:
As I understand, there is support for Unicode in Perl in the development
branch. When is a non-beta or stable version with support for unicode
expected?  (an approximate timeframe)

My blue-sky estimate for the 5.006 (aka v5.6.0) release is four to five
months from now.

I would be very grateful is someone can tell me which is the actual status
of multithreading support for Perl (or which is the correct forum to ask
this question or resources where I can learn about it)

5.005_03 will be much better at it than 5.005_02, but it still won't
be off the "experimental" hook until 5.006.


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