
Re: Cyrillic and Unicode

2000-12-05 05:32:58
"Philip Newton" wrote on 2000-12-05 09:20 UTC:
Musaev mentions appear not to be in Unicode, unless you consider 
them glyph variants of other latters; for example, he appears to 
distinguish between GHE-with-complete-stroke and GHE-with-right-
half-stroke, while the Unicode book only has a glyph GHE-with-

Did you already have a look at the new Unicode 3.2 draft charts on

which add two dozen more Cyrillic characters and many other things.

If valid characters are still missing there, then please contact ISO
10646 editor Michael Everson <everson(_at_)egt(_dot_)ie>, who has a keen 
in covering all cyrillic minority languages in Unicode and is constantly
looking for reference material and documentation.


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at,  WWW: <>

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